2919 Huffine Mill Rd, Gibsonville, NC 27249
Sunday School...........10:00a.m.
Sunday Morning.........11:00a.m
Sunday Evening...........6:00p.m.
Wednesday Evening.....6:00p.m.
Our Sunday Evening Message for January 19, 2025
"Looking Back"
Text: Philippians 3: 4-6
Our Sunday evening messages are focused on Bible teaching usually on one of the books in the New Testament. My goal is to explain the text by comparing scripture with scripture. My method of teaching is expository in nature with the attempt to explain each verse according to the context. I am a slave to the text. Wherever the text leads me that will be my focus. It is my goal that my congregation in our Sunday evening service walk away understanding the Word of God as the Holy Spirit directs me as their pastor.
In this study, I walk you through the Epistle of Philippians. It is only four chapters long, but it is rich in encouragement in living a fruitful Christian life. Our study will be expository in nature breaking down each verse so that you can understand the text.
In our text, Paul is looking back on the past accomplishments in his life, not to brag, but to give a challenge to these Judizers who believe salvation was by works not by grace alone. Their belief system was not a supernatural one in which salvation was the work of God by grace. It was a system of works by man to attain salvation to go to heaven. Therefore, Paul puts up his past in order to silence their rhetoric. If any Jew is righteous by keeping the law, he definitely is. Paul gives us a list of his accomplishments that we examine in this message to show if a man can be saved by works then he qualifies. While at the same time, Paul gladly laid aside all of his accomplishments to be saved by grace and not by works.
I encourage you to listen to this message in it's entirety as I try to walk you through the meaning of this text. May this message encourage you as it did those who attended our evening service.
Pastor Michael R. Martin
Our Sunday Evening Message for September 8, 2024
"When The Sovereign Becomes A Servant"
Text: Philippians 2:5-11
Our Sunday evening messages are focused on Bible teaching usually on one of the books in the New Testament. My goal is to explain the text by comparing scripture with scripture. My method of teaching is expository in nature with the attempt to explain each verse according to the context. I am a slave to the text. Wherever the text leads me that will be my focus. It is my goal that my congregation in our Sunday evening service walk away understanding the Word of God as the Holy Spirit directs me as their pastor.
In this study, I walk you through the Epistle of Philippians. It is only four chapters long, but it is rich in encouragement in living a fruitful Christian life. Our study will be expository in nature breaking down each verse so that you can understand the text.
In this message, we focus on one of the most majestic description of the person of Jesus Christ. These seven verses(v.5-11) speaks of how Christ left the portal of Glory to take on human flesh to go to Calvary to die for the sins of all humanity. In these verses, Paul presents the person of Christ as our pattern to live by in our attitude in serving others. Christ pattern is when He, the sovereign, takes on becoming our servant.
I encourage you to listen to this message in it's entirety as I try to walk you through the meaning of this text. May this message encourage you as it did those who attended our evening service.
Pastor Michael R. Martin