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        Our Sunday Morning Message for January 26, 2025

                                   "The Blessing of Giving"

                                       Text: II Corinthians 8: 1-6


Our Sunday morning messages are topical in nature. As pastor, I try to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in the messages I preach. They vary on many subjects from both the Old Testament as well as the New Testament. However, regardless of my text, my goal is to explain the text by comparing scripture with scripture. My method of preaching is expository in nature with the attempt to explain each verse according to the context. I am a slave to the text. Wherever the text leads me that will be my focus.      


It is my goal that my congregation in our Sunday morning service walk away understanding the Word of God as the Holy Spirit directs me as their pastor.

In this message, we focus on what the Bible teaches concerning our giving back to the Lord as He has blessed us during the week. Actually the amount we place in the offering plate each Sunday morning is not the issue. The Lord is not concern about the dollar amount we write out from our personal checkbook to our church. He is looking at our heart, and our motivation for giving. As Paul says to the Corinthian church, "every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loveth a cheerful giver."

( II Cor. 9:7)  After all, until the Lord is the Master of our hearts, He will never be the Master of our pocketbooks.


I encourage you to listen to this message in it's entirety as I try to walk you through the meaning of this text. May this message encourage you as it did those who attended our morning service.






                                            Pastor Michael R. Martin














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        Rev. Michael R. Martin


       Contact: (336) 613-6878


1-26-25II Corinthians 8: 1-6
00:00 / 44:18
1-19-25I Timothy 3: 16
00:00 / 39:35
1-5-25Luke 2: 41-52
00:00 / 40:14
12-29-24Mark 2: 5-12
00:00 / 20:17
12-15-24Jeremiah 33: 14-16
00:00 / 44:00
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