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    Our Wednesday Evening Message for January 22, 2025

                                    "Praying In The Garden"

                                               Text: Mark 14: 32-34


Our Wednesday evening messages are focused on Bible teaching. My goal is to explain the text by comparing scripture with scripture. The method of my teaching is expository in nature with the attempt to explain each verse according to the context. I am a slave to the text. Wherever the text leads me that will be my focus. It is my goal that my congregation in our Wednesday evening service walk away understanding the Word of God as the Holy Spirit directs me as their pastor.

In this study, I walk you through the various prayers found in the Bible. There are actually 100 of these prayers beginning with the prayer of Abraham from the Book of Genesis to the prayer of the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation. We have been in this study since March of 2022.

Our text takes us to the Garden of Gethsemane. We examine this garden, and what it might look like when Jesus prayed. It was not a garden that we think of with fruits and vegetables growing in it. It was a garden of olive trees.  It was a small garden, and a quiet place to pray and to meditate. This was the place that Jesus went to pray on the night before His crucifixion. We compare this garden to the garden of Eden. In the first garden, Adam and Eve said, my will be done. In the second garden, our Lord prayed, "not my will, but thine be done."


I encourage you to listen to this message in it's entirety as I try to walk you through the meaning of this text. May this message encourage you as it did those who attended our morning service.


                                            Pastor Michael R. Martin














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        Rev. Michael R. Martin


       Contact: (336) 613-6878


1-22-25Mark 14: 32-34
00:00 / 35:47
1-15-25Mark 14: 26-34
00:00 / 36:54
1-8-25John 12: 27-32 (Part 2)
00:00 / 32:17
1-1-25John 12: 27-32 (Part1)
00:00 / 27:39
12-18--24John 11: 38-46
00:00 / 36:57
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