2919 Huffine Mill Rd, Gibsonville, NC 27249
Sunday School...........10:00a.m.
Sunday Morning.........11:00a.m
Sunday Evening...........6:00p.m.
Wednesday Evening.....6:00p.m.
Our Wednesday Evening Message for March 5, 2025
"The Most Fearful Prayer"
Text: Mark 15: 33-39
Our Wednesday evening messages are focused on Bible teaching. My goal is to explain the text by comparing scripture with scripture. The method of my teaching is expository in nature with the attempt to explain each verse according to the context. I am a slave to the text. Wherever the text leads me that will be my focus. It is my goal that my congregation in our Wednesday evening service walk away understanding the Word of God as the Holy Spirit directs me as their pastor.
In this study, I walk you through the various prayers found in the Bible. There are actually 100 of these prayers beginning with the prayer of Abraham from the Book of Genesis to the prayer of the Apostle John in the Book of Revelation. We have been in this study since March of 2022.
In this study, we take you to the cross where we examine the prayers of our Lord at Calvary. The gospel writers tells us that Jesus spoke seven times on the cross. Of these seven sayings, three of them are prayers to His Heavenly Father. In this study, we examine the second prayer where Jesus cried out, "My God, My God why has thou forsaken me?" It was a cry that was prophesied many years ago by the psalmist in Psalm 22. Many Christians fail to appreciate the magnitude of this cry. It is one of the worst things that could happen to a sinner to have God to abandon us in our sin. Yet, Christ became sin for us as He hung on the cross being abandon by his Heavenly Father. Christ became our substitute and died for us so that we would not have to endure all the suffering that waits for sinners like you and me in Hell.
I encourage you to listen to this message in it's entirety as I try to walk you through the meaning of this text. May this message encourage you as it did those who attended our morning service.
Pastor Michael R. Martin